Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How to verify Paypal using Security Bank Debit Card

     I just realize I need my Paypal account verified again since my old Smartmoney Card can no longer be used after my phone got stolen and Smart can't give me a replacement sim with a the same number. I'm not comfortable using my RCBC Instacard aside from the fact that I want to try other options as well.

   I had an issue using my GCash and Paymaya when I was trying to use it for my Bing Ads account. I was charged by Globe P 45.00 when I tried using the GCash MasterCard. I made sure that I only have less than P100.00 in my GCash wallet just in case that there will be a double charge.

Unfortunately GCASH and PAYMAYA Cards are not allowed to be used in Bing Ads Microsoft. And like what happen when I used Smartmoney to verify my paypal account, I don't know whether Globe will refund this authorization charge or not. And base on my experience with Globe Customer Service, it is not worth wasting my time.

I read an forum post that they somehow use their Globe Gcash American Express Virtual Card, so I tried using it on my personal Paypal account. =>

I was already charged P52.10  for authorization charge, and if I click on confirm Paypal will charge me again another P100.00 

Based on that forum post I just need to email to request the 4-digit verification, but here's what I received: 

It seems that this method doesn't work anymore or maybe I don't have enough fund left on my wallet. But since it is Christmas and I don't want to transfer funds from my RCBC account. I decided not to continue doing anything. 

I also realize that I can't use my personal Paypal account for my Web Hosting Site, and Paypal says it is free to upgrade to business account. However I don't want to use my personal email address so Paypal gave me an option to open a new business account with them with my business email address, so that's what I did.

I decided to use my payroll Security Bank Mastercard debit card. 

 If you can apply for this debit card online

I'm going to use my old paypal account for the visual aid. 

So here are the steps:

1. Login to your PayPal account: 
   if you don't have one.. you can sign up for free here 
2. Click on Add Bank account or Card

3. You will see two options: 

        a. For Linking bank account where you could process withdrawals 
        b. For Linking Card for adding funds and verification.
Click on LINK A CARD

4. Fill up the form using the information of your Security Debit Card and Hit Save
5. If after clicking save and went back to dashboard, select the card that you enrolled earlier.
6. Then this page will pop up so click on Confirm Credit Card
7. You will see this page to inform you of what's going to happen. 

8. You will be charge P100.00  for this transaction. I did not receive any text message but I checked my Security Bank account online and see this the next day. 

Note: You will notice that the date is December 26, 2017 even if I process this on the 25th. Most banks and other financial institutions, transactions posts the next day on Holidays.
But you will receive an email confirmation from Paypal
Based on Security Bank website, I should wait for 2days before calling their hotline 88-791-88 since I did not receive any text message and the Online SOA only shows Internet transaction. 

9. Now it is December 27, 2017 and I called Security Bank hotline. Thank God I don't have to wait on the line for too long since I'm calling from Cavite and I'm calling using a Globe Landline, it is not free of charge.

I don't like beating around the bush so when a representative answered, I introduce myself immediately and told them that I am calling to get the verification code for Paypal. The representative doesn't know what I'm talking about but I'm glad she has someone to ask about it and did not assume that I'm calling in the wrong number. I was on hold for quite a while then when she came back I was asked for my account number. It is better if you have your Debit card with you if you are calling their customer service. 
   Security Bank Master Card debit card has it's account number written under your name and usually starts with 00000.  

They sent me a text message like this and they ask for the last 6 digit reference number. 

And then they gave me the 4-digit verification number that I need. 

10. Login in your Paypal account and click wallet. You should see the option to verify your card. Enter the 4-digit verification code in the box and hit save.

Then that's it!! You are officially a verified Paypal User.  

I tried to cover every step of the process but since I already verified my business account, I can no longer provide the screenshot for that. I regret not making the screenshot earlier. But I will try when I decide to verify my personal Paypal Account. As of the moment, I still need my funds for my ad campaigns so.. that's it for now. 

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